wlan primary / secondary channel 설명
802.11n and 802.11ac radios configured for the 5-GHz band have a primary channel and a secondary channel. The primary channel is listed using the channel number, and the secondary channel adds another 20 MHz to make the channel 40 MHz. Therefore, the secondary channel is either the channel above (1) or the channel below (-1) the primary channel. This notation keeps you from configuring non-contiguous channels. For example, if the primary channel is 36 and the secondary channel is 40, the combination would be (36,1). If the primary channel is 44 and the secondary channel is 40, the notation would be (44,-1).
음 만약 primary channel 이 40이면, secondary 는 , Secondary 는 (44, +1) 이 될수도 있고, (36, -1) 이 될수도 있음.
The following channels, listed as (primary channel, secondary channel) are supported for 802.11n at 5-GHz with 40 MHz bandwidth: (36,1) (40,-1) (44,1) (48,-1) (52, 1) (56,-1) (60,1) (64,-1) (100,1) (104,-1) (108,1) (112,-1) (116,1) (120,-1) (124,1) (128,-1) (132,1) (136,1) (149,1) (153,-1) (157,1) (161,-1)